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    Mar 27, 2025  
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog 
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog

Cybersecurity | A.A.B. | Part-Time

Full-Time Map  

Career Outlook   

Transfer Agreements  

The Cybersecurity program is structured to develop highly skilled professionals who have the knowledge and practical skills to keep networks, computer systems and information assets secure and to analyze, assess, anticipate and prevent malicious intrusions as well as react to the intrusions of information networks and systems. Network, computer and information security has become a major concern to every institution, organization and company that maintains a computer network. Given the current level of terrorist threats, growing problem with computer hackers, concerns about identity theft, and tough new legal requirements for securing information, there is a heightened awareness regarding the importance of networked computer information system vulnerability assessment and securing systems.

This program emphasizes the importance of assessing networked system vulnerabilities and securing networked information systems. In-depth instruction and practicum are used to provide the background, concepts and techniques to train professionals who are capable of protecting information assets from a wide range of security threats. Also included is the forensics training necessary to allow the security professional to properly analyze theft, misappropriation and misuse of information assets and proper safekeeping and documentation of evidentiary materials.

The Cybersecurity program will lead to an Associate Degree in Applied Business and provide the information and knowledge in preparation for the examinations to earn CCNA (Network) or MCITP:SA (Systems), CISSP (Security), CCE (Forensics) and Security+ professional certifications. It will also provide students with an interest in networked computer information technology a career opportunity in networked information systems security and provide those already in the networked information system profession with the opportunity to expand their career to include the area of network computer information system vulnerabilities and security.  NOTE  The Cybersecurity option has special admission requirements. The candidate must have a valid Ohio driver’s license and be at least 18 years of age. Students must also submit a successful criminal record background check.

Program Outcomes ►
The student will

  1. integrate Edison State core values into every aspect of the program;
  2. incorporate Edison State general education outcomes into every aspect of the program;
  3. evaluate and analyze problems and apply the tools of logical problem solving;
  4. demonstrate basic computer skills in areas such as applications, operating systems and programming;
  5. support new technology and demonstrate sufficient knowledge to adapt to this technology;
  6. recognize and understand data communication and its relationship to solve business related technological problems and issues;
  7. apply programming, database, operating systems, virtual machine concepts, security and business application skills to troubleshoot and solve information technology problems specific to degree option; and
  8. demonstrate ability to research, select, use and troubleshoot hardware, software and network connections appropriate to degree option.    

Semester 1 [Fall]

  CIS 110S Computer Concepts and Applications      3     ►Meet with advisor to establish student education plan and academic partnership.
►Advisor and student agree on schedule for Semester 2.
  CIS 211S Operating System Concepts      3 C  
  Credit Hours 6    

Semester 2 [Spring]

  CIS 117S Cloud Foundations      1      
  CIS 212S Linux Administration   3    
  CIS 214S Networking Essentials      3    
  Credit Hours 7    

Summer 3 [Summer]

  CIS 215S IT Essentials      3      
  Credit Hours 3    

Semester 4 [Fall]

  COM 121S Introduction to Communication      3     ►Student to meet with faculty advisor to assess progress.
  CYB 236S Computer Security Essentials 1    3    
  Credit Hours 6    
  1Refer to AAB general education requirements.      

Semester 5 [Spring]

  CYB 237S System Vulnerabilities & Security  3      
  CYB 246S Introduction to Networks   3 C  
  Credit Hours 6    

Semester 6 [Summer]

  ENG 121S Composition I      3      
  Credit Hours 3    

Semester 7 [Fall]

  CYB 238S Computer Forensics Essentials  3     ►Advisor and student meet to assess student progress.
  CYB 247S Switching and Routing   3 C  
  Credit Hours 6      

Semester 8 [Spring]

  CYB 239S Advanced Computer Forensics  3      
  CYB 248S Security and Automation   3    
  Credit Hours 6    

Semester 9 [Summer]

  MKT 218S Customer Service    1      
  MTH 122S College Algebra  OR 3    
  MTH 125S General Statistics        
  Credit Hours 4    

Semester 10 [Fall]

  ENG 125S Technical Writing  OR 3     ►Student should meet with Career Services.
►Student to meet with advisor to identify internship opportunities.
  MGT 223S Project Management        
  Humanities Elective 1 3    
  Credit Hours 6    
  1Refer to AAB general education requirements.       

Semester 11 [Spring]

  CIS 121S Introduction to Programming   3 C   ►Student to submit graduation application.
►Advisor to review student education plan to ensure graduation readiness.
►Student to meet with transfer advisor at four-year school, if applicable.
  CIS 290S Capstone Project  OR 3    
  CIS 291L Internship Experience  AND      
  CIS 291R Internship Seminar        
  Credit Hours 6    

Semester 12 [Summer]

  Social/Behavioral Sciences Elective 1     3      
  Credit Hours 3    
  1Refer to AAB general education requirements.  

Total Credit Hours | 62

♦ Students who cannot demonstrate basic computer skills must take Introduction to Computers before entering this program.