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    Mar 25, 2025  
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog 
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog

Important Things to Know

Degree Overview
   ►Guarantee of Job Competency
   ►Guarantee of Transfer Credit
University Transfer
State Transfer Policy
Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Programs
Career Education
Certificate Overview
General Admissions Policy
Transfer to Edison State
Credit for Prior Learning
   ►Career Technical Credit for High School Students
Credit Hour Policy
Class Delivery Methods
Academic Regulations
   ►Degree Requirements
   ►Certificate Requirements
   ►Requirements for Earning Two Degrees
   ►Honors Courses

   ►Grade Point Average
   ►Refund of Fees for Credit Courses
   ►Veterans Benefits and Transition Act
   ►Full-time and Part-time Students
   ►Credit Hour Overload
   ►Repeating Courses
   ►Independent Study
   ►Dean’s List
   ►SOCHE | Cross Registration
   ►Senior Citizens
   ►Graduation Requirements
   ►Graduation Application
   ►Graduation with Honors
   ►Academic Honesty
Academic Probation | Suspension | Readmission
   ►Academic Probation
   ►Academic Suspension
   ►Academic Amnesty
   ►Developmental Courses
Notification of Rights under FERPA


Edison State Community College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Degree Overview

Associate of Arts Degree ►
The Associate of Arts degree parallels a traditional university liberal arts degree. It provides an excellent academic background and permits a student to choose a major in the junior year. This is a two-year degree and can be completed in 24 months.

Associate of Science Degree ►
The Associate of Science degree parallels a university professional degree and leads to careers in such areas as science, business and technology. This is a two-year degree and can be completed in 24 months.

Associate of Applied Business Degree ►
The Associate of Applied Business degree parallels a university business degree in the designated field, provides preparation for a career in business, and prepares students for immediate employment. This is a two-year degree and can be completed in 24 months.

Associate of Applied Science Degree ►
The Associate of Applied Science degree offers technical education preparing students for immediate employment in a non-business career. This is a two-year degree and can be completed in 24 months.

Associate of Technical Study Degree ►
The Associate of Technical Study degree permits students to design an individualized program that will prepare them for immediate employment in a technical career. This is a two-year degree and can be completed in 24 months.

General Education ►
General education courses are required in all programs to provide a broad foundation in different subjects and to develop different ways of thinking. All colleges require general education courses in the liberal arts, math, science and the arts. Computer literacy courses are often required as well.

Guarantee of Job Competency | AAS and AAB Degrees ►
Edison State Community College guarantees to its Associate of Applied Science and Associate of Applied Business degree graduates that they will possess the appropriate technical job skills identified in the program outcomes for said degrees. The guarantee applies only to graduates employed on a full-time basis in an area directly related to the program. Employment must begin within twelve (12) months of graduation.

If a graduate is judged by his or her employer to lack the technical job skills identified in the program outcomes, the graduate will be provided with up to six (6) tuition-free credit hours of additional courses at Edison State Community College. Cost of books, insurance, equipment, uniforms, laboratory and activity fees and other course-related expenses are the responsibility of the graduate.

To qualify for the guarantee, the graduate must ►
apply for the guarantee within 6 months of initial employment;
provide a written certification from the employer stating that the employee lacks specific job skills related directly to the degree program’s outcomes;
meet with a program advisor to develop a written educational plan for retraining; and
complete the retraining program within the college’s regularly scheduled classes within one calendar year of the original application. The guarantee applies only to employment, not to any licensing or qualifying exams.

To qualify for the guarantee, the graduate must apply formally by completing the Guarantee Application and submitting the form to the Provost for approval.

Guarantee of Transfer Credit (AA and AS Degrees) ►
Edison State Community College guarantees to its Associate of Arts and Associate of Science graduates that credits earned at Edison State will transfer to Ohio colleges and universities.

The Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways enable students to streamline credit transfer among the state’s public institutions of higher education to find the best pathways to degree completion and launch successful careers.

The guarantee applies to all courses included in a written transfer agreement with a specific college or university and to all courses transferred for general education under the terms of the state Transfer Module. Courses outside the Transfer Module and not included in a transfer agreement may transfer, but they are not guaranteed.

This guarantee assures you that an Edison State advisor will work with you to ensure that your credits transfer. Your advisor will assist you in designing the appropriate transfer program and, if necessary, become your advocate in dealing with your transfer college.

To qualify for the guarantee, you are responsible for ►
scheduling your classes with the signed approval of an Edison State advisor, following the program outlined in the agreement with your transfer college or in the Transfer Module; and
transferring your Edison State credits within 12 months of completing your degree requirements. For assistance with any transfer questions, contact an advisor in the Student Affairs Office.

University Transfer Options

The University Transfer agreements at Edison State are your gateway to over 250 bachelor’s degrees at Ohio’s public and private universities, as well as to colleges across the United States. Edison State’s small class sizes and affordable tuition make it easy to launch your bachelor’s degree close to home. Edison State’s academic deans, advisors and faculty work closely with their counterparts at four-year institutions to keep programs up-to-date and transferable. The College maintains agreements and transfer guides listing the specific courses which should be taken at Edison State for popular majors at nearby universities. Degree requirements at Edison State are flexible enough to permit the creation of programs of study oriented to fit nearly any interest. See an advisor to learn more about degree options available from Edison State.

Click here for the University Transfer agreements .

Associate of Arts (AA) Degree ►
The Associate of Arts degree is intended for students planning to attend Edison State to complete the first two years of a Bachelor of Arts degree. The AA degree is also for students seeking two years of general education with an emphasis in the arts, social sciences or humanities.

Click here for the Associate of Arts degree requirements .

Associate of Science (AS) Degree ►
The Associate of Science degree is intended for students planning to attend Edison State to complete the first two years of a Bachelor of Science degree. This AS degree also serves students seeking two years of general education with an emphasis in the physical and natural sciences, mathematics or business.

Click here for the Associate of Science degree requirements .

The Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degree can be used as a stepping stone to a baccalaureate degree or as an end unto itself. For certain persons who are well-established in their careers the attainment of an AA or AS can be the achievement of lifelong goals and can broaden their appreciation of the arts and sciences.

Edison State’s Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degrees permit a student to complete the first two years of study for nearly any baccalaureate major and to transfer to a four-year institution. Edison State’s transfer courses parallel those courses that comprise the first two years of a bachelor’s degree. Students generally specialize in a major during the junior and senior years after transferring. If a student is undecided about a major field of study, advisors will help plan a general program that meets the basic lower division requirements of most colleges and universities. If choosing a four-year college or a major is a problem, Edison State provides advice and information needed to make an informed choice.

Edison State students transfer to many four-year colleges and universities across the country, including nearly all public colleges in Ohio. Some of the universities to which recent Edison State graduates transfer to include:

  Ball State University Miami University  
  Bluffton University Ohio University  
  Bowling Green State University Ohio Northern University  
  Capital University The Ohio State University  
  Cedarville University Tiffin University  
  University of Cincinnati University of Toledo  
  University of Dayton Wilmington University  
  Defiance College Wittenberg University  
  University of Findlay Wright State University  
  Franklin University    
  Indiana University East    

Students intending to transfer should identify their transfer institutions as soon as possible, consult with both Edison State and university advisors and carefully follow the Ohio Transfer 36 .

State Transfer Policy
Institutional Transfer ►
In 1990, the Ohio Board of Regents, following a directive of the 119 Ohio General Assembly, developed the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy to facilitate students’ ability to transfer credits from one Ohio public college or university to another in order to avoid duplication of course requirements. A subsequent policy review and recommendations produced by the Articulation and Transfer Advisory Council in 2004, together with mandates from the 125th Ohio General Assembly in the form of Amended Substitute House Bill 95, have prompted improvements of the original policy. While all state-assisted colleges and universities are required to follow the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy, independent colleges and universities in Ohio may or may not participate in the transfer policy. Therefore, students interested in transferring to independent institutions are encouraged to check with the college or university of their choice regarding transfer agreements. In support of improved articulation and transfer processes, the Ohio Board of Regents will establish a transfer clearinghouse to receive, annotate and convey transcripts among state-assisted colleges and universities. This system is designed to provide standardized information and help colleges and universities reduce undesirable variability in the transfer credit evaluation process. More information on Ohio’s Transfer to Degree Guarantee can be found here.

Ohio Transfer 36 | Transfer Module ►
The Ohio Department of Higher Education established the Ohio Transfer 36 , which is a subset or entire set of a college or university’s general education curriculum in AA, AS and baccalaureate degree programs. Students in applied associate degree programs may complete some individual transfer module courses within their degree program or continue beyond the degree program to complete the entire transfer module. The Ohio Transfer 36 module contains 36 semester hours of course credit in English composition (minimum 3 semester hours); mathematics, statistics and formal/symbolic logic (minimum of 3 semester hours); arts/humanities (minimum 6 semester hours); social and behavioral sciences (minimum of 6 semester hours); and natural sciences (minimum 6 semester hours). Oral communication and interdisciplinary areas may be included as additional options. Additional elective hours from among these areas make up the total hours for a completed Transfer Module. Courses should be 100- and 200-level general education courses commonly completed in the first two years of a student’s course of study. Each state-assisted university, technical and community college is required to establish and maintain an approved Transfer Module.

Ohio Transfer 36 course(s) or the full module completed at one college or university will automatically meet the requirements of individual Transfer Module course(s) or the full Transfer Module at another college or university once the student is admitted. Students may be required, however, to meet additional general education requirements at the institution to which they transfer. For example, a student who completes the Ohio Transfer 36 at Institution S (sending institution) and then transfers to Institution R (receiving institution) is said to have completed the Ohio Transfer 36 portion of Institution R’s general education program. Institution R, however, may have general education courses that go beyond its Transfer Module. State policy initially required that all courses in the Transfer Module be completed to receive its benefit in transfer. However, subsequent policy revisions have extended this benefit to the completion of individual Transfer Module courses on a course-by-course basis.

Transfer Assurance Guides ►
Transfer Assurance Guides  (TAGs) comprise Ohio Transfer 36  courses and additional courses required for an academic major. A TAG is an advising tool to assist Ohio university and community and technical college students planning specific majors to make course selections that will ensure comparable, compatible and equivalent learning experiences across the state’s higher-education system. A number of area-specific TAG pathways in the arts, humanities, business, communication, education, health, mathematics, science, engineering, engineering technologies and social sciences have been developed by faculty teams.

TAGs empower students to make informed course selection decisions and plans for their future transfer. Advisors at the institution to which a student wishes to transfer should also be consulted during the transfer process. Students may elect to complete the full TAG or any subset of courses from the TAG. Because of specific major requirements, early identification of a student’s intended major is encouraged.

Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways

The Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways (OGTP) are designed to provide a clearer path to degree completion for students pursuing associate degrees who plan to transfer to an Ohio public university to complete their bachelor’s degree. The OGTP also constitute an agreement between public community colleges and universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements and will be counted and applied toward the bachelor’s degree. Students still must meet all university program admission requirements. Find more information about OGTP here.

Career Education

Edison State’s occupational and technical programs prepare students for business, engineering and manufacturing, health sciences, information technology, and social and public service careers. These two-year programs also assist students who want formal training to advance in their present jobs.

Career education programs lead to an Associate of Applied BusinessAssociate of Applied Science, or Associate of Technical Study Degree. Although designed to prepare students for employment upon graduation, several career education programs will transfer to select four-year institutions. Credits accepted for transfer vary according to the programs and policies of the receiving institutions.

Most career degree programs have too many technical courses and too few general education courses to transfer as the equivalent of two (2) full years of a baccalaureate degree. Students planning to transfer a career degree may wish to take additional general studies courses before transferring to a four-year institution. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss options with their faculty advisor.

A minimum of 15 credit hours is required in general studies with actual specifications listed under each technical program curriculum. Additionally, specialized and supporting courses are identified for individual programs. Substitution of courses may be permitted with prior approval from the student’s advisor and the appropriate dean. The student must complete the courses specified for the program to meet degree requirements.

Associate of Applied Business ►
The Associate of Applied Business degree is designed to prepare students for immediate entry into business careers. Although many of the courses in the curricula will transfer to four-year institutions, the degree exists to prepare graduates for employment. Courses tend to teach practical skills leading to entry-level positions in business. Specific areas include accounting, banking, business, computer information systems, paralegal and marketing. These degrees often serve as “door openers,” providing better opportunities for promotion.

Click here for the Associate of Applied Business degree requirements .

Associate of Applied Science ►
The Associate of Applied Science degree prepares students for careers in technology, health and service fields. These programs provide primarily technical courses with practical application and lead to entry-level jobs immediately upon graduation. Some courses or programs are accepted at four-year colleges and universities. Edison State’s Associate of Applied Science programs include agriculture, criminal justice, electronics, early childhood development, mechanical engineering technology, medical lab technician, social services, industrial management, physical therapist assistant and nursing. In addition to leading to immediate employment, AAS degrees can help individuals achieve more rapid job advancement.

Click here for the Associate of Applied Science degree requirements .

Associate of Technical Study ►
The Associate of Technical Study degree is an option for any student whose educational goals cannot be accomplished through existing programs. Intended for those with specialized technical interests, the Associate of Technical Study degree allows the student to develop an individualized technical program, with the guidance of an academic advisor. The program must establish an educational goal and include specific courses required to accomplish that goal.

A minimum of 30 credit hours, or 50% of the total program, must be in a clearly identifiable area of concentration. The technical component may be developed by combining two or more academic disciplines. General studies and related courses must each account for a minimum of 15 credit hours or 25% of the program total. The ATS degree will require a total of 60-72 credit hours. Graduation requirements are the same as those for the AAB and AAS degrees.

The Associate of Technical Study application form is available in the Student Affairs office. The student must fill out sections 1-9 and submit the form to the appropriate dean of the area related to the student’s field of choice. A committee is formed that evaluates the application, the student’s potential for completing the program and the occupational potential of the goal. Committee approval is required for admission to the program and subsequent granting of the ATS degree. The student must apply prior to completing 40 credit hours which apply to the degree. A maximum of 30 credit hours may be transferred into this degree program.

Click here for the Associate of Technical Studies degree requirements .

Certificate Overview

One-Year Certificates ►
Edison State offers several One-Year Certificates within career program areas. The courses outlined in each certificate articulate into an Associate degree for the program sponsoring the certificate. Students generally receive certificates for the completion of 30-37 credit hours of coursework. A one-year certificate can be completed in 12 months.

Short-Term Technical Certificates ►
Short-Term Technical Certificates provide students with the skills to enter a new job field or advance in their current one. Short-Term Technical Certificates consist of up to seven courses that can be completed in a year or less. To receive a Certificate of Completion, students must complete the required courses with a cumulative GPA of “C” or better and complete an application for certificate. Required courses for Short-Term Technical Certificate options are listed by subject with associate degree options and certificates.
IMPORTANT  Federal financial aid is not available for Short-Term Technical Certificates. State funding may be available in qualifying programs for eligible students.
NOTE  Successful completion of course prerequisites is required.

Edison State College Admissions Policies

General Admission Requirements ►
Apply online. Returning ESCC students, check the “returning Edison State student” option on the application to update your information.
Complete the ACCUPLACER assessment. ACCUPLACER may not be needed if you have the following:

  • taken the ACT or SAT within the past two (2) years;
  • met multiple measures placement (high school grades and GPA thresholds); or
  • completed college-level math or English with a grade of “C” or higher.

Meet with a Career Pathways Advisor and create your personalized education plan.
Complete and submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Visit and enter the Edison State code: 012750. This step is a requirement for scholarship applications and determines your eligibility for grants (free money).
Complete New Student Orientation. This will prepare you for a successful transition to Edision State. Learn more about your student accounts, resource access, College technology, and campus locations.

Additional Admission Information ►
Selective Service
State law requires males 18 through 26 to file a statement of selective service status with the College. This statement can be completed during the admission process or registration. Visit to register and for more information.

Audit Students
Applicants enrolling in courses for audit (without credit) must apply. Auditing students receive neither grades nor credits for courses. They are not required to submit assignments or take examinations. Tuition and fees for auditing a course are the same as enrolling for credit. Financial aid is not available for auditing. Students choosing to audit online courses must meet readiness requirements for online classes.

Edison State follows the Ohio Department of High Education’s definition for determining a student’s residency status. Students may obtain a copy of this rule from the Registrar’s Office. Specific exceptions and circumstances may require a review of a student’s residency classification.

Transfer to Edison State

To receive credit for courses taken at other colleges or universities, a student must have the official transcript(s) from any previous institution(s) sent directly to the Office of Registration and Records at Edison State. Once received, the transcript(s) will be evaluated, and an email will be sent to the student notifying them to log into MyESCC to view their Program Evaluation for transfer credits.

Academic Credit ►
Credit will be granted toward an Edison State degree for work completed at other approved colleges and universities for courses in which the student has earned a grade of “C” (2.0) or better. Grades of pass or credit also will be accepted. As of Fall 2005, a “D” (1.0) or better grade will be considered for transfer.

Transfer credits from other collegiate institutions appear on the student’s Edison State Community College transcript, but do not affect the cumulative grade point average. Transfer credits may not apply to all degree programs, and certain programs require credits to be earned within specified timeframes to ensure current industry standards are met.

Because 20 credit hours in a degree program must be completed at Edison State Community College for a student to receive an Edison State degree, the limit on transfer credit is 40-48 hours, depending upon the program in which the student is enrolled.

Students who intend to transfer to another collegiate institution are advised that the receiving institution may use all grades in computing a grade point average and may not accept all courses that Edison State accepts.

Responsibilities of Students ►
Prospective transfer students should plan early to maximize their transfer credits. This planning should include both academic and non-academic requirements of their selected institution.

To develop an effective transfer plan, students should:

  • Research program requirements and transfer policies
  • Meet with advisors at both their current and future institutions
  • Use electronic transfer databases and Ohio Transfer to Degree Guarantee resources
  • Select courses that satisfy requirements at both institutions

Early in their studies, students should identify their intended institution and major. They should also determine any special requirements, such as foreign language courses, that can be completed during their first two (2) years. This advance planning helps ensure their coursework aligns with their chosen program at the receiving institution.

Appeals Process ►
After evaluating a student’s transcript from another institution, Edison State will provide the student with a Transfer Evaluation Report. A student disagreeing with the application of transfer and/or articulated credit must file an appeal in writing within ninety (90) days of receipt of the Statement of Transfer and Articulated Credit Applicability. Edison State will respond to the appeal within thirty (30) days of receiving the appeal.

Credit for Prior Learning ►
Edison State awards credit for college-level learning gained outside of college through prior learning assessment (PLA). There are a variety of methods that consider the knowledge students acquire as they live, work, and learn. The methods used by Edison State include:
business or government training recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE);
military service training recommended by ACE;
portfolio evaluation;
credit by examination; and/or
CLEP exams.

For more information on Credit for Prior Learning, click here . To receive credit, a student’s knowledge must be documented or verified through one of the above ways as being at the college level and appropriate for their degree program. A maximum of 30 semester hours may be earned through the prior learning assessment. To learn more about the available options, consult with an advisor.

Career Technical Credit for High School Students ►
Edison State has articulation agreements with Greenville High School, Upper Valley Career Center, Miami Valley Career Technology Center, and other high schools to award credit or give advanced placement to career technical school graduates of specific programs. The following are some of the programs at Edison State with agreements
Early Childhood Education;
Electronics Engineering Technology;
Health Sciences;
Information Technology; and
Veterinary Technician.

See your advisor for additional information.
For more information on Career Tech, click here  or see your advisor.

Credit Hour Policy
All credit-bearing degrees and certificate programs are approved by the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE). Calculation of credit hours for courses within the degree and certificate programs follows ODHE guidelines which are consistent with the U.S. Department of Education’s definition of a credit hour. Click here to review the complete Credit Hour Policy .

Class Delivery Methods

Accelerated Courses ►
Accelerated courses at Edison State meet for either four weeks or eight weeks and contain the same content as traditional courses. The meeting schedule for these courses is more frequent and the pace of learning more intensive.

Flex Courses ►
Flex courses have a flexible format where students spend less time in the classroom and more time working on their own. These classes are offered in both 8-week and 16-week time frames. The same amount of material is covered in flex classes as in regularly scheduled classes. Students will need to do more homework and activities on their own and need to be self-directed with good time management skills.

Online Courses ►
Online courses use the same syllabus and text as an on-campus class. Students are required to use tools such as Blackboard, the internet and email to communicate with the professor and others in the class, as well as to complete assignments. Online meeting time and/or on-campus testing may be required by some courses and/or instructors.

All students enrolling in courses delivered online must demonstrate proficiency in the usage of the computer and internet. Students must also place into college-level reading before taking an online course. Online courses have the same academic rigor as conventional college courses and require self-discipline and motivation from each student to complete assignments. Additional information and the list of online courses can be reviewed here .

Web-Flex Courses ►

This is a combination of a flex and online class. Students spend half of their time in class as normal and communicate via Blackboard or another web-based course management system the balance of the time.

Interactive Video Conferencing ►
Two-way video conferencing technology allows for course communication for all campus locations. The student may attend class in-person at any campus while the instructor may be at another campus location.

Time Comparisons for Different Course Delivery Formats ►

Class Format    Class Time
per Week
Study Time
per Week
Total Time
per Week
of Class
  Total Time
to Complete
Traditional 3 hours 6 hours 9 hours x 16 weeks = 144 hours
Accelerated 6 hours 12 hours 18 hours x 8 weeks = 144 hours
Flex 1.5 hours 7.5 hours 9 hours x 16 weeks = 144 hours
Accelerated Flex 3 hours 15 hours 18 hours x 8 weeks = 144 hours
Web-Flex | Online Varies Varies 9 hours x 16 weeks = 144 hours
Synchronous Distance 3 hours 6 hours 9 hours x 16 weeks = 144 hours

Table is based on a typical 3-credit hour course.

Academic Regulations

The unit of credit at Edison State Community College is the semester (credit) hour. The regular academic year is divided into two semesters and a summer session.

Degree Requirements ►
Eligibility for an associate degree at Edison State is contingent upon the student having fulfilled the specific requirements of a particular degree program. In addition, the student must have satisfied the following general requirements
satisfactory completion of a minimum of 60 credit hours;
completion at Edison State Community College of 20 credit hours;
achievement of a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 for work completed at Edison State; and/or
achievement of a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for courses which are technical requirements for AAB, AAS and ATS degrees.
NOTE  Some degree programs have a 2.5 GPA requirement for participation in an internship.

Certificate Requirements ►
In addition to the specific requirements for the certificate, the student must also satisfy the following general requirements
satisfactory completion of a minimum of one-half the number of credits required for an associate degree in the same technical field or the requirements for certification in a technical curricular area where no associate degree exists;
completion at Edison State Community College of 10 credit hours;
achievement of a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0 for work completed at Edison State; and/or
achievement of a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 for courses which are technical requirements for certificate programs.

Requirements for Earning Two Degrees ►
Students may wish to earn two degrees due to interest in more than one field of study or because their interest changed after completing the first degree. A student may earn a second degree at Edison State provided the following conditions are met
the degree and program requirements established for each degree are completed;
at least 10 credit hours of course work beyond the requirements for the first degree are completed. These credits must be part of the major field of study in which the student earns the degree; and/or
the program of study proposed by the student must be approved in writing by the advisor, the appropriate dean and the Provost, in that order.

Grades ►
Academic performance in a course in indicated by a letter grade which represents achievement according to the definitions below.

Grade  Definition Grade Points/Credit
Superior achievement of course objectives.
Superior achievement of course objectives in an Honors course.
High achievement of course objectives.
High achievement of course objectives in an Honors course.
C Satisfactory achievement of course objectives.  2
D Some effort and achievement, but not adequate for program completion unless balanced by equivalent credits in which a grade at or exceeding “B” has been earned; in certain instances, may not satisfy prerequisite requirements.  1
F Failure to meet minimum course requirements.  0
FUW Unofficially Withdrawn 0
S Satisfactory. Meets minimum requirements for mastery of the course. (For Developmental English courses only.) Not computed
in GPA
U Unsatisfactory. Does not meet minimum requirements for mastery of the course. (For Developmental English courses only.) Not computed
in GPA
I Incomplete. Awarded when extenuating circumstances beyond the student’s control have prevented completion of course requirements, provided that the student’s performance to that point is at least of “D” level. Not computed
in GPA
W Withdrawn Not computed
in GPA
AUD Audit Not computed
in GPA
IP In Progress. Awarded when student is attending class regularly, progressing satisfactorily, but needs additional time to complete course work. Student must re-enroll in the course the following term. (For Developmental English courses only.) Not computed
in GPA
GNS Grade not submitted by instructor. Not computed
in GPA
TR Transfer credit accepted from another institution. Not computed
in GPA
TD Transfer credit accepted from another institution with a grade of “D”. Not computed in GPA
EM Credit by exam or proficiency exam. (Only appears on transcripts sent through ATC.) Not computed
in GPA
Credit without a Grade Credit by exam, proficiency exam, portfolio evaluation, articulated credit CTAG, MTAG, CLEP or AP. Not computed
in GPA
UW Unofficially Withdrawn Not computed
in GPA
XA Amnesty Grade Not computed
in GPA
XB Amnesty Grade Not computed
in GPA
XC Amnesty Grade Not computed
in GPA
XD Amnesty Grade Not computed
in GPA
XF Amnesty Grade Not computed
in GPA
XUW Amnesty Grade Not computed
in GPA
The number appearing to the right of each definition is the number of “grade points” (sometimes known as “honor points” or “quality points”) assigned to that grade.
FINANCIAL AID STUDENTS  Grades of “F,” “FUW,” “U,” “I,” “W,” “IP” and “GNS” may cause you to become ineligible for aid. Refer to the satisfactory progress policy available in the Office of Financial Aid.

Audit ►
Students are permitted to audit courses. Students will receive neither grades nor credits for audited courses. Students auditing a course are expected to attend class but are not required to submit assignments or take exams. The fees for auditing a course are the same as those for enrolling for credit. Changing status from audit to credit or from credit to audit is permitted only before the class meets during the second week of the semester.

Honors Courses ►
Honors courses are designed for students seeking challenges in a curriculum that emphasizes scholarship, creativity, leadership, and citizenship. Courses may be designated as “Honors” with added content exploration, workload, and expectations reflected in an agreement between students and faculty and approved by the Honors Committee.

Incomplete ►
An “I” or incomplete may be awarded for unfinished work in a course only if the work was not completed because of circumstances which the instructor deems to be unavoidable. An “I” is awarded only in a situation whereby the student can potentially earn a passing grade by completing all work in a given time frame. The instructor may specify a time limit of up to 100 calendar days after the final examination of the class, for the student to complete all work. Removal of an “I” is the responsibility of the student. Failure to remove the “I” prior to the specified date will result in a failing grade.

Withdraw ►
In order to withdraw from a class, a withdrawal form must be completed and submitted to Student Affairs, a faculty advisor, or the regional locations at Troy, Eaton, or Greenville. Withdrawal may also be completed using MyESCC. A student officially withdrawing will receive a grade of “W.” The student remains financially responsible for a course from which they have withdrawn.

With the permission of the instructor, a student may attend class after withdrawing from a course, assuming the student has not received a full or partial refund for the course.
A student may receive a grade of “W” for any or all courses after the official withdrawal date only if, in the judgment of the appropriate dean upon consultation with the instructor, emergency or extenuating circumstances exist. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the necessary approval.
FINANCIAL AID NOTE  Financial aid students should schedule an appointment with a financial aid advisor before withdrawing from a class. A grade of “W” may cause a student to become ineligible for aid due to a lack of satisfactory progress and, in some cases, a student may incur a debt to the College or the U.S. Department of Education.

Grade Point Average ►
A student’s grade point average (GPA) is determined by dividing the total points (points = credit hours x the numerical value of the grade) by the total credit hours attempted. Developmental credits do not count in the calculation of GPA. They do count for the calculation of probation and “satisfactory progress” for financial aid.

An example of this computation can be seen below.

Course Credit Hours  Grade  Points  Product 
Personal Computer Application 3 B 3 9
Composition I 3 C 2 6
Introduction to Geography 3 C 2 6
Western Civilization to 1715 3 D 1 3
Tennis I 1 A 4 4
Microbiology 2 B 3 6
Total  15     34
GPA = 34/15 = 2.27 

Refund of Fees for Credit Courses ►
The last day for refund for dropped classes of 8 weeks or more is 14 days from the beginning of the term. The last day for refund for dropped classes lasting 4 through 7 weeks is seven (7) days from the beginning of the term. Courses of shorter duration are not refundable after the beginning of the term. Terms begin on Monday. 

Full refund of instructional fees, general fees, technology fees and laboratory fees shall be granted if the College cancels a course. Refund checks shall be issued after the close of the refund period. The College may require a minimum of thirty (30) days before issuing a refund. For students who withdraw completely from the College, refund checks will be issued only after all accounts have been cleared.

Veterans Benefits and Transition Act ►
Edison State Community College, in accordance with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, will not impose any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries or other institutional facilities, or the requirement that a Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 recipient borrow additional funds to cover the individual’s inability to meet his or her financial obligations to the institution due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. This policy is limited to tuition funds the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs pays.

Full-Time and Part-Time Students ►
Full-time students are those registered for 12 or more credit hours in a 16-week semester or for six or more credit hours in a summer term. Part-time students are those registered for 11 or fewer credit hours in a 16-week semester or five or fewer hours in a summer term. Even though financial aid students must register for 12 or more credit hours during any term to be considered full-time and receive a full-time award, part-time students may still receive a part-time award.

Credit Hour Overload ►
A credit hour overload is defined as:
20 or more credit hours during Fall or Spring semester; or
10 or more credit hours during the Summer term, Fall Late term or Spring Late term.

Students wishing to register for an overload of credits must obtain written permission from one of the following:
Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
Dean of Student Affairs

Repeating Courses ►
Students may repeat courses in which they have received passing, failing or audit grades. Only the most recent grade and credit hours will be counted in computing the grade point average at Edison State. The student must secure permission from the Dean of Student Affairs, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, or Registrar to repeat a course more than once.

Independent Study ►
Independent Study is designed to make a course that is essential to a student’s curriculum available, even if it is not scheduled when the student enrolls. Completing a course on an independent study basis requires that the student take primary responsibility for completing the work with limited supervision by a faculty member. Before enrolling in an independent study course, the student must obtain an Independent Study form from the appropriate dean’s office. After consultation with the instructor who will supervise the independent study, the student must complete the form and obtain the necessary signatures for approval.

Dean’s List ►
A Dean’s List is prepared and sent to local newspapers each semester to recognize those students who have maintained outstanding academic achievement. A student completing a minimum of 12 credit hours in any given semester and with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher will earn this recognition. Using the same criteria, a student carrying less than 12 credit hours will be eligible for the Dean’s List at the end of the semester in which a total of 12 credits hours have been earned, if the cumulative GPA is 3.5 or higher for the eligibility period. Additional eligibility periods would begin with the next semester and end with the semester in which an additional 12 credits are earned (or the total credits earned during the period 12 credits are earned).

SOCHE | Cross Registration ►
Full-time Edison State students may register for courses offered by other colleges and institutions within the Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE) guidelines on a space-availability basis and under following conditions.
The course is not being offered at Edison State during the current term.
The participant must be a full-time student, including the hours taken at the other school.
The participant must be taking more hours at Edison State than at the other school.
The participant must meet all prerequisites of the host school, abide by that school’s deadlines and be accepted by that school as a student.

Interested students should check with the Student Affairs office for registration forms and times of registration which may vary from school to school. Registration forms are also available from SOCHEThe signatures of an advisor and Registrar are required and must be obtained before the participant may register at the host institution.

Consortium “guests” from other colleges choosing to register at Edison State are also subject to these conditions. Registration for these students opens one week prior to the first day of each term.
NOTE  Financial aid may be granted at only one school during any given term. Visit Office of Financial Aid for assistance.

Senior Citizens ►
Senior citizens (age 60 and over) who are Ohio residents will have instructional fees waived if they elect to audit credit courses. (General fees and lab fees will be assessed.) Enrollment for seniors who wish to audit a course will be on a space-availability basis and opens one week prior to the first day of each term. Senior citizens who wish to earn credit for courses taken are required to pay instructional and general fees and may enroll any time during the registration period. They are also required to fulfill all regular admission requirements.

Graduation Requirements ►
Students may graduate under any catalog that is no more than five years old at the time of graduation with the exception of students in the Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Medical Laboratory Technology, Phlebotomy, Veterinary Technology, and Early Childhood Development programs. Students in these programs will graduate under the program requirements in place at the time of admission or re-admission to these career programs to ensure that students completing such programs will be eligible for early childhood education certification or properly prepared for the NCLEX Licensure Examination.

Transfer hours and/or quarter hours from Edison State will be managed as follows: Quarter hours from Edison State will be evaluated and converted to semester hours in the same manner as any transfer quarter hours from another college. For career programs, students must have 15 semester hours general education equivalency in required areas and meet Ohio Department of Higher Education specifications. Advisors will use the Edison State conversion table for applying quarter-hour courses to general education requirements. Students must fulfill the total number of all general education hours, but may be one semester hour short in any specific area.

Graduation Application ►
Students nearing eligibility for graduation are required to complete an application form by the third week of the semester in which they plan to graduate. Summer graduates must complete these requirements by the third week of the Spring Semester and may participate in the commencement ceremony in May. Student accounts must be in good standing to be eligible for graduation.

The student’s advisor and dean will certify on the application form that the student will be eligible for graduation upon successful completion of specified courses. The Registrar’s Office will verify that all requirements have been satisfied prior to certification for graduation. 

The degree or certificate completion date will be based on both the semester when requirements are completed and the date application for the degree or certificate was submitted by the student. Except for extenuating circumstances, completion dates will not be backdated beyond the academic year (Fall through Summer) in which the application was submitted by the student.

Graduation with Honors ►
Students who have maintained a high level of academic achievement may be graduated with honors. Honors designations and overall grade point averages are
Highest Honors (4.0);
High Honors (3.75-3.99); and
Honors (3.5-3.74).
Designation of honors for the graduation ceremony is based on the Fall Semester GPA.

Academic Honesty ►
It is the College’s policy that students exhibit academic honesty and respect ethical standards in carrying out their academic assignments. Specific information with respect to conduct during all academic activities is available in the Student Handbook, on the Student Resources page or in the Student Affairs office.

Academic Probation | Suspension | Readmission

Academic Probation ►
Students will be placed on academic probation if their grade point average (GPA) falls below these minimums:

Total Credit Hours Attempted ♦  Minimum Cumulative GPA 
12-15 semester hours 1.7
More than 15 to 30 semester hours 1.8
More than 30 to 40 semester hours 1.9
More than 40 semester hours 2.0

♦ Attempted hours do not include non-credit and non-graded courses. Developmental course hours will count. Academic Probation will appear on the student’s transcript.

Transfer students will be:

  • admitted in good standing if their prior college GPA meets Edison State’s minimum GPA requirements;
  • conditionally admitted if their prior college GPA is below 2.0, requiring advisor consultation before registration; and
  • required to maintain a 2.0 GPA at Edison State to avoid academic probation.

Transfer students on academic probation must follow Edison State’s probation and suspension policies.

Students on probation must meet with an advisor before registering. The advisor may limit the student’s course load and will work with the student to develop a student success plan. Probation status will be lifted when the student’s Edison State GPA meets the minimum requirements listed above.

After a Student is Placed on Probation ►
A full-time student placed on probation will continue on probation into the following semester. The student must achieve a 2.0 GPA each semester while on probation. “Academic Probation” will appear on the student’s transcript for each term of probation status.

A part-time student whose cumulative GPA is below the minimum stated in the probation policy will continue on probation. The student must achieve a 2.0 GPA during the semester(s) in which the following 12 credit hours are attempted. “Academic Probation” will appear on the student’s transcript for each term of probation status.

Academic Suspension ►
Full-time students on probation will be suspended if they earn below a 2.0 GPA in their next semester.

A part-time student on probation earning less than a 2.0 GPA over the semesters in which the next twelve (12) credit hours are attempted will be suspended from the College.

A full-time transfer student admitted conditionally who achieves less than a 2.0 GPA in their first semester (first twelve (12) credit hours for part-time transfer students) will be suspended from the College.

“Academic Suspension” will appear on the student’s transcript of any student suspended.

Readmission ►
Students may seek readmission on Conditional Status by either sitting out one semester (excluding summer term) or petitioning the Admission and Scholarship Committee for immediate readmission. All readmitted students must participate in the Student Success Program.

A student on Conditional Status may register a maximum of seven (7) credit hours in a 15-week semester or four (4) credit hours in an eight-week session unless special permission is obtained from the Admission and Scholarship Committee.

Students readmitted after their first suspension will be suspended a second time if they do not fulfill the requirements of the Student Success Program and do not achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA for the readmitting semester.

After a second suspension, the student can apply for readmission to the College on Conditional Status only after sitting out at least one full semester. No immediate readmission will be considered except in extraordinary circumstances.

Students readmitted after a second suspension must meet with a Career Pathways Advisor to determine an appropriate academic course load for the semester. Students readmitted after a second suspension will be suspended a third time if they do not achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA for the readmitting semester.

Students suspended for the third time must remain out of the College for one year. The Admission and Scholarship Committee will process applications for readmission following a third suspension on an individual basis.

Attendance ►
Individual instructors have both the responsibility and the prerogative for managing student attendance. Learning is advanced by regular attendance in class and laboratory sessions. Commitment and responsibility are part of the growth expected from a college education. Students should attend all class and laboratory sessions, including examinations. Each faculty member will establish specific expectations pertaining to making up missed work and the relationship between attendance and grade determination. Faculty report non-attendance and last date of attendance on regularly scheduled reports.
FINANCIAL AID NOTE   Failure to attend classes may result in having to repay part or all of your federal aid allowance.

Academic Amnesty ►
Degree- and certificate-seeking students may apply for academic amnesty after returning to Edison State after a three-year absence. Students must complete 15 non-developmental credit hours with a minimum 2.5 GPA after returning to qualify. 

Students must complete the Academic Amnesty Petition Form . The Dean of Student Affairs or their designee, who has final approval authority. The amnesty applies only to courses taken before the student’s return, as follows:
For courses taken before fall 2005, credit is retained, but not grades, for courses in which a “C” or higher was earned. All other courses are forfeited and will not satisfy prerequisite, degree, or certificate requirements.
For courses taken in or after fall 2005, students retain credit but not grades for courses in which a “D” or higher was earned. All other courses are forfeited and will not satisfy prerequisite, degree, or certificate requirements.
GPA will be calculated from the period following amnesty.

The new GPA calculation begins from the point amnesty is granted. The student’s transcript will record the amnesty grant and date. Students may receive academic amnesty only once at Edison State.

Students may appeal amnesty decisions in writing to the Provost. Note that transfer institutions may not accept credits from terms with amnesty. Students should consult their transfer institution and academic advisor before applying.

Developmental Courses ►
The Edison State “open door” admissions policy has made the opportunity of higher education available for students from a wide range of backgrounds. Since these backgrounds include varying degrees of preparation, the Developmental Education program offers supplementary instruction to prepare students for (and assist students during) their academic careers. Students who are returning to school after a period of work and/or family involvement will find special courses and workshops to help them brush up on skills and/or readjust to the rigors of the academic world.

Students who would like additional study time can study in groups in the Tutoring Center, receive individual help from tutors or work on individualized computer software. All of the services available are designed to create a supportive, comfortable learning environment in which students can learn or refine the basic skills necessary for success in their college-level courses.

The courses offered through the Developmental program concentrate on improving skills in English and mathematics. While the credit earned by completing developmental courses does not count toward graduation, the courses are of great value in preparing students to be successful in upper-level courses. The requirement to take developmental courses is based on assessment results, past academic performance and student need. The courses must be satisfactorily completed prior to enrolling in credit courses in the respective departments, unless given permission from the department.

Notification of Rights Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. These rights include:

(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the College receives an access request. A student should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. The College official will make access arrangements and notify the student of the time and place the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the College official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise violating the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should write to the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested, the College will notify the student in writing of the decision and the student’s right to a hearing re­garding the request for amendment. When notified of the right to a hearing, additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student.
(3) The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information from the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without con­sent:
  1.  To school officials with a legitimate educational interest (§99.31(a)(1)).
The College discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law en­forcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted as its agent to provide a service instead of using College employees or officials (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance com­mittee, or assisting another school official in performing their tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educa­tion record in order to fulfill their professional responsibilities for the College. Upon request, the College also discloses education records without consent to offi­cials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll and will make a reasonable attempt to notify each student of these disclosures when made.
  2.  To another school in which the student seeks or intends to enroll (§99.31(a)(2)).
  3.  To authorized representatives of various federal and state agencies (specified in the regulations) for the audit or evaluation of, enforcement of, or compliance with federally supported education programs (§99.31(a)(3)).
  4.  For certain purposes related to financial aid for which a student has applied or has received (§99.31(a)(4)).
  5.  To state and local officials to whom information was specifically required to be reported by state law before Nov. 19, 1974 (§99.31(a)(5)).
  6.  To organizations conducting research for educational agencies or institutions for developing, validating or administering predictive tests; administering student aid programs; and improving instruction (§99.31(a)(6)).
  7.  To accrediting organizations performing their accrediting functions (§99.31(a)(7)).
  8.  To parents of a dependent student (§99.31(a)(8)).
  9.  To comply with a judicial order or subpoena (§99.31(a)(9)).
  10.  To appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency under certain conditions (§99.31(a) (10)).
  11.  If the information requested was designated as “directory information” by the educational institution (§99.31(a)(11)).
  12.  To the parent of a student who is not an eligible student or to the student (§99.31(a)(12)).
  13.  To the victim of a crime of violence or a nonforcible sex offense when the information is related to the final results of the disciplinary proceeding conducted by the institution (§99.31(a)(13)).
  14.  In connection with a disciplinary proceeding at a postsecondary institution if it has determined that the student is an alleged perpetrator of a crime of violence or nonforcible sex offense and the student has committed a violation of the institution’s rules or policies(§99.31(a)(14)).
  15.  To a parent of a college student regarding the student’s violation of any law or any institutional policy governing the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance if the student is under 21 at the time of the disclosure to the parent, providing state law does not prohibit the disclosure (§99.31(a)(15)).
  16.  If the information concerns registered sex offenders provided under State sex offender registration and campus community notification programs (§ 99.31(a)(16)).
(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC  20202-5901.

FERPA Notice for Directory Information ►
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a federal law, requires that Edison State Community College, with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent before the disclosure of personally identifiable information from education records. However, the College may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the College to the contrary in accordance with published procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the College to include non-invasive information from your education records in several ways, such as inclusion in certain school publications, press releases, or online media. Examples include 
Dean’s list or other recognition lists;
graduation programs;
sports activity sheets showing the weight and height of team members;
College website, Facebook page or other online presence; and
directory information, generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, may also be disclosed to outside organizations and individuals without a student’s prior written consent.

If you do not want the College to disclose directory information from your education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the College Registrar in writing. Edison State Community College has designated the following information as directory information  
telephone number(s);
email address(es);
photograph(s) and video(s);
major field of study;
dates of attendance;
grade level (such as freshman, sophomore);
enrollment status (undergraduate or graduate, full-time or part-time);
date of graduation and degree(s)/certificate(s) conferred;
honors or awards received, including selection to a dean’s list or honorary organization;
participation in officially recognized activities and athletics; 
weight and height where the student is a member of an athletic team; and
most recent previous school attended.