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    Feb 14, 2025  
2020-2021 | Academic Catalog 
2020-2021 | Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG)

Students are guaranteed that applicable credits will transfer to and from Ohio’s public colleges and universities. Transfer Assurance Guides (TAGS) are statewide articulation/transfer agreements and are advisory tools to help students identify equivalent pre-major/beginning major courses in a specific subject area. Approved TAG courses and their associated credit hours are guaranteed to transfer and apply toward the specific major if the current and destination institutions have approved course matches during the same time period.

The following key applies to the Transfer Assurance Guide chart below ►
OAN Code ► 
The Ohio Articulation Number (OAN) represents a specific set of learning outcomes in a major that are part of a Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG). The OAN Code is used to identify the equivalency of courses between two institutions.
Effective Date ► The first academic term in which the TAG course carries a statewide credit transfer guarantee
AU = Autumn
SP = Spring
SM = Summer

Consult with your academic advisor at Edison State as well as at the destination institution before signing up for any courses. The State of Ohio’s TAG initiative is designed to assist in planning, from high school level through adult workforce levels. For more information on Transfer Assurance Guides (TAG) visit the State of Ohio’s website.

Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) Approved Courses

Subject Area Ohio Articulation Number (OAN) | Title Effective Date Course ID
Accounting OBU010 | Introduction to Financial Accounting SM2017 ACC 121S  
Accounting OBU011 | Introduction to Managerial Accounting SM2017 ACC 122S  
Allied Health OHL020 | Health Information Management SP2018 ALH 151S  
Anthropology OSS001 | Cultural Anthropology SM2007 ANT 121S  
Anthropology OSS003 | Archaeology/World Pre-History SM2007 ANT 125S  
Art History OAH005 | Survey of Art History I and II SM2008 ART 123S  & ART 124S  
Biology OSC003 | Biology I SM2015 BIO 121S  
Biology OSC004 | Biology II SP2016 BIO 122S  
Biology OSC024 | Biology Sequence (combination of OSC003 and OSC004) SM2015 BIO 121S  & BIO 122S  
Business OBU004 | Legal & Social Environment of Business AU2018 BUS 235S  
Business OBU005 | Business Communications AU2013 BUS 223S  
Business OBU006 | Principles of Marketing Management SM2013 MKT 216S  
Chemistry OSC008 | General Chemistry I SM2018 CHM 121S  
Chemistry OSC009 | General Chemistry II SM2018 CHM 122S  
Chemistry OSC023 | General Chemistry Sequence (combination of OSC008 and OSC009) SM2018 CHM 121S  & CHM 122S  
Communication Studies OCM001 | Intro to Communication Theory SM2007 COM 241S  
Communication Studies OCM002 | Interpersonal Communication AU2006 COM 228S  
Communication Studies OCM003 | Small Group Communication AU2006 COM 229S  
Communication Studies OCM004 | Basic Public Speaking/Oral Communication AU2006 COM 121S  
Criminal Justice OSS031 | Introduction to Criminal Justice AU2012 CRJ 111S  
Criminal Justice OSS033 | Corrections SM2012 CRJ 113S  
Criminal Justice OSS034 | Criminology SM2013 CRJ 213S  
Dietetics OHL016 | Basic Nutrition AU2012 BIO 140S  
Economics OSS004 | Microeconomics AU2005 ECO 221S  
Economics OSS005 | Macroeconomics AU2005 ECO 222S  
Education OED009 | Individuals with Exceptionalities SM2017 EDU 213S  
Education OED010 | Early Childhood Development SM2018 ECE 115S  
Education OED007 | Introduction to Education SM2016 EDU 111S  
Education OED008 | Educational Psychology SP2017 EDU 226S  
Education OED011 | Families, Communities & Schools SP2018 ECE 221S  
Electrical Engineering Tech OET001 | DC Circuits SP2010 ELT 110S  
Electrical Engineering Tech OET002 | Digital SP2007 ELT 141S  
Electrical Engineering Tech OET003 | AC Circuits SP2010 ELT 210S  
Electrical Engineering Tech OET004 | Microprocessors SP2007 ELT 241S  
Electrical Engineering Tech OET005 | Electronics SP2008 ELT 121S  
Engineering OES001 | Introduction to Engineering SM2013 EGR 100S  
English Literature OAH053 | American Literature I SM2013 ENG 221S  
English Literature OAH054 | American Literature II SM2013 ENG 222S  
English Literature OAH055 | British Literature I AU2012 ENG 241S  
English Literature OAH056 | British Literature II AU2012 ENG 242S  
Geography OSS006 | Physical Geography AU2005 GEO 121S  
Geography OSS007 | Human/Cultural Geography AU2013 GEO 123S  
Geology OSC011 | Physical Geology SP2007 GLG 121S  
Geology OSC012 | Historical Geology SP2007 GLG 122S  
Health Information Management OBU003 | Computer Applications AU2005 CIS 110S  
History OHS009 | Western/World Civilization Sequence AU2005 HST 125S  & HST 126S  
History OHS010 | U.S. American History Sequence AU2005 HST 121S  & HST 122S  
History OHS041 | Western/World Civilization I AU2005 HST 125S  
History OHS042 | Western/World Civilization II AU2005 HST 126S  
History OHS043 | U.S. American History I AU2005 HST 121S  
History OHS044 | U.S. American History II AU2005 HST 122S  
Journalism OCM006 | Introduction to Mass Communication AU2005 COM 221S  
Mathematics OMT018 | Calculus III AU2012 MTH 223S  
Mathematics OMT020 | Elementary Differential Equations AU2012 MTH 231S  
Mechanical Engineering Tech OET007 | Statics SM2008 MET 125S  
Mechanical Engineering Tech OET008 | Strength of Materials SP2008 MET 212S  
Mechanical Engineering Tech OET009 | Fluid Mechanics SP2007 MET 214S  
Mechanical Engineering Tech OET010 | Manufacturing Processes SM2008 MFG 114S  
Mechanical Engineering Tech OET012 | CAD SM2008 MET 130S  
Mechanical Engineering Tech OET013 | Engineering Materials SP2007 MFG 120S  
Medical Laboratory OHL008 | Introduction to Medical (Clinical) Laboratory Science SM2012 MLT 121S  
Medical Laboratory OHL009 | Hematology AU2011 MLT 250S  
Medical Laboratory OHL010 | Body Fluids SM2012 MLT 135S  
Philosophy OAH045 | Introduction to Philosophy SM2008 PHI 121S  
Philosophy OAH046 | Introduction to Ethics SM2008 PHI 123S  
Physics OSC014 | General Physics I (Algebra-based sequence) AU2005 PHY 121S  
Physics OSC015 | General Physics II (Algebra-based sequence) AU2005 PHY 122S  
Physics OSC016 | College Physics I (Calculus-based sequence) AU2005 PHY 241S  
Physics OSC017 | College Physics II (Calculus-based sequence) AU2005 PHY 242S  
Physics OSC021 | General Physics Sequence (combination of OSC014 & OSC015) AU2005 PHY 121S  & PHY 122S  
Physics OSC022 | College Physics Sequence (combination of OSC016 & OSC017) AU2005 PHY 241S  & PHY 242S  
Political Science OSS011 | American Politics/Government AU2005 PLS 121S  
Political Science OSS012 | International Affairs/Relations AU2012 PLS 224S  
Political Science OSS014 | State & Local Government AU2005 PLS 122S  
Psychology OSS015 | Intro/Fundamentals of Psychology SM2007 PSY 121S  
Psychology OSS016 | Social Psychology SP2011 PSY 230S  
Psychology OSS017 | Abnormal Psychology AU2005 PSY 221S  
Psychology OSS048 | Life Span SM2007 PSY 227S  
Psychology OSS049 | Child Development and Adolescence SM2007 PSY 225S  
Public Relations/Advertising OCM006 | Introduction to Mass Communication AU2005 COM 221S  
Public Relations/Advertising OCM012 | Principles of Advertising AU2005 MKT 219S  
Social Work OSS029 | Introduction to Social Work SP2011 SSV 111S  
Social Work OSS030 | Introduction to Social Welfare SP2011 SSV 113S  
Sociology OSS021 | Intro/Fundamentals of Sociology SP2007 SOC 121S  
Sociology OSS023 | Marriage & Family AU2007 SOC 225S  
Sociology OSS024 | Race & Ethnicity AU2012 SOC 224S  
Solar Energy ORE001 | Intro to Alternative & Renewable Energy SM2013 EGR 270S  
Spanish OFL019 | Beginning Spanish Course I SP2016 SPN 121S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH001 | Basic Drawing AU2005 ART 130S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH002 | Photography, Digital SM2015 ART 165S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH003 | 2-D Foundations AU2007 ART 127S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH006 | Photography, Darkroom AU2005 ART 160S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH047 | Sculpture AU2005 ART 143S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH048 | Painting (Oil/Acrylic) AU2005 ART 150S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH049 | Print AU2005 ART 170S  
Studio/Fine Arts OAH050 | Ceramics I AU2012 ART 138S  
Theater OAH025 | Acting Practicum SM2013 THE 291S  
Theater OAH026 | Technology Practicum/Applied Theater Technology SM2013 THE 292S  
Theater OAH027 | Acting I AU2005 THE 125S  
Wind Energy ORE001 | Intro to Alternative & Renewable Energy SM2013 EGR 270S  
Wind Energy ORE005 | Wind Energy SM2013 EGR 272S