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    Mar 28, 2025  
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog 
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog

Electronics Transfer | A.A.S.

Part-Time Map  

Career Outlook   

Transfer Agreements  

The Electronics Transfer program is designed for students who wish to pursue a baccalaureate degree in Electronics Engineering Technology at a four-year institution. This program provides students with a solid foundation in mathematics, science and electrical and electronics principles. The electrical and electronics courses cover basic DC and AC circuits, electronic devices and circuits, digital electronics, microcomputers and industrial controls. In addition to chemistry, physics and calculus, students will study engineering statics and C++ programming. Those who wish to transfer to a baccalaureate program are encouraged to work early on with an Edison State advisor and with the four-year institution of their choice.

Some possible careers include ►
electronics technicians, electronics installation and repair specialists, maintenance technicians and applications engineers

Program Outcomes ►
The student will

  1. demonstrate proficiency with electrical and electronic components and circuits;
  2. demonstrate basic competence in electronics engineering design and analysis using applications of mathematics, physics and engineering principles;
  3. develop electronics design techniques using the latest technology;
  4. demonstrate proficiency in computer programming;
  5. demonstrate problem solving skills and troubleshooting techniques in electronics;
  6. demonstrate written and oral communication skills;
  7. explain ethical considerations involved in electronics design; and
  8. apply effective interpersonal and teamwork skills.

Semester 1

  CHM 121S General Chemistry I     5     ►Students unprepared for MTH 221S will be required to take College Algebra or Trigonometry.
►Advisor and student agree on schedule for Semester 2.
  EGR 100S Introduction to Engineering     1 C  
  ELT 110S Circuits I     3 C  
  ENG 121S Composition I     3    
  MTH 221S Calculus/Analytical Geometry I   5    
  Credit Hours

Semester 2

  ELT 121S Electronic Devices     3 C   ►Advisor and student agree on schedule for Semester 3.
  ELT 141S Digital Electronics     3 C  
  ELT 210S Circuits II     3 C  
  MTH 222S Calculus/Analytical Geometry II     5    
  Credit Hours 14    

Semester 3

  CIS 223S C++ Programming     3     ►Advisor and student agree on schedule for Semester 4.
  COM 121S Introduction to Communication     3    
  ELT 131S Industrial Controls     3    
  ENG 122S Composition II   3    
  PHY 121S College Physics I   5    
  Credit Hours 17    

Semester 4

  ECO 221S Principles of Microeconomics     3     ►Submit graduation application.
►Meet with transfer institution advisor, if applicable.
  ELT 241S Microcontrollers     3    
  MET 125S Applied Engineering Statics   3    
  PHI 123S Introduction to Ethics   3    
  Elective♦ 3    
  Credit Hours 15    

Total Credit Hours | 63

♦ Student must work with advisor to determine appropriate course based upon requirements of transfer school.