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    Mar 27, 2025  
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog 
2025-2026 | Academic Catalog

Business Management | A.A.B.

Part-Time Map  

Career Outlook   

Transfer Agreements  

The Business Management program provides students with the skills to manage a small business or to hold a management position in a growing and increasingly complex business environment. This program utilizes case studies, group projects and possible real-world scenarios to enable students to develop and apply analytical, decision-making, problem-solving and interpersonal skills to management situations prior to entering the workforce.  NOTE  At the core of this degree are at least 36 credit hours that will transfer to a bachelor’s degree in business. It is recommended that students who intend to transfer work closely with an advisor. Some schools accept additional courses for transfer or prefer the Associate of Science degree.

Some possible careers include ►
buyer, department manager, food service manager, market manager, office manager, purchasing agent, restaurant manager, retail store manager, sales manager, bookkeeper, production and scheduler

Program Outcomes ►
The student will

  1. demonstrate skills in written and oral communication;
  2. use good interpersonal skills and interact in a team environment;
  3. demonstrate awareness of global world/economic/business issues;
  4. analyze business case studies and outline appropriate recommendations;
  5. distinguish the value of good ethical standards and their application to business;
  6. demonstrate respect for cultural differences and differing points of view in the business environment;
  7. demonstrate proficiency with business technology for both research and communication of marketing, business and accounting information;
  8. apply and interpret international, federal, state and local laws on business operations;
  9. identify the important components of the external environment of a business and explain how the environment influences change; and
  10. understand, communicate and apply concepts in accounting, economics, finance, human resources and marketing.

Semester 1

  BUS 110S Introduction to Business   3 C  
  CIS 102S Introduction to Spreadsheets      1    
  CIS 103S Introduction to Databases   1    
  COM 121S Introduction to Communication      3    
  ENG 121S Composition I    3    
  FIN 119S Business Mathematics   3    
  Credit Hours 14      

Semester 2

  ACC 121S Introduction to Financial Accounting   4     ►Apply for scholarships and financial aid for next academic year.
►Visit Career Services to explore internship/career opportunities.
  BUS 223S Business Communication      3    
  ECO 221S Principles of Microeconomics    3    
  MTH 120S Quantitative Reasoning  OR 3    
  MTH 125S General Statistics        
  Humanities Elective 1 3    
  Credit Hours 16      
  1Refer to AAB general education requirements.        

Semester 3

  ACC 122S Introduction to Managerial Accounting    4     ►Advisor to review student education plan to ensure graduation readiness.
►If planning internship, visit Career Services to draft resume.

  BUS 235S Business Law  4    
  FIN 229S Business Finance   3    
  MKT 216S Principles of Marketing    3    
  MKT 218S Customer Service   1    
  Credit Hours 15    

Semester 4

  BUS 210S International Business   3     ►Student to submit graduation application.
  BUS 221S Principles of Organizational Behavior   3    
  BUS 250S Business Capstone   OR 3    
  BUS 291L Internship Experience  AND          
  BUS 291R Internship Seminar        
  Social/Behavioral Science Elective1 3    
  Technical Elective2 3    
  Credit Hours 15    
  1To be chosen from PSY 121S or SOC 121S.
2To be chosen from an ACC, BNK, BUS, CIS, FIN, HRM, IMT, MGT, MKT, RLE, or SCM course.

Total Credit Hours | 60