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    Mar 14, 2025  
2023-2024 | Academic Catalog 
2023-2024 | Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Professional Pilot | A.A.S.

Part-Time Map

Career Outlook   

Transfer Agreements  

The Aviation program prepares students with the required Federal Aviation Administration certificate for initial employment as aircraft pilots in a wide variety of entry-level, flight-related occupations. Such occupations may include flight instructor, banner tow pilot, jump plane pilot, corporate transportation, public service, etc. In some instances, additional specialized training will be required. Students aspiring to employment with airlines can elect to use their flight instructor certificate to help build flight time in an economical manner. While the aviation industry is cyclic, indicators point to an increase in pilot hiring through 2030. Job mobility within the aviation industry increases as flight experience increases. The experienced pilot who demonstrates quality flight techniques, willingness to learn, organizational skills, reliability and good communication skills will find opportunities to advance into larger aircraft operations or other positions within the industry such as management, business owner, sales, corporate jet operator or systems trainer.
NOTE  Federal Financial Aid is not available for the Professional Pilot program, but scholarship assistance may be available.

Aviation students ►
In addition to complying with the College’s general admission procedures, Aviation students must
have the ability to read, speak, write and understand English proficiently;
be able to prove United States citizenship;
possess a current 3rd class medical certificate; and

meet the following age requirements
be 15 years or older to take AVN 101S or AVN 102S;
be 16 years or older to complete the solo flight requirements of AVN 102S;
be 17 years or older to obtain the private pilot license after successfully completing AVN 101S and AVN 102S; or
be 17 years or older to take any AVN courses beyond AVN 102S.

Program Outcomes ►
The student will

  1. demonstrate the skills required to pass the FAA knowledge test appropriate to the certificate or rating sought;
  2. demonstrate the skills required to pass the FAA flight test appropriate to the certificate or rating sought;
  3. demonstrate a working knowledge of the aircraft flight manual, performance charts and operating characteristics of the aircraft;
  4. explain aircraft systems as applied to normal and emergency situations;
  5. recognize and identify potentially hazardous weather scenarios as they pertain to safety of flight;
  6. demonstrate the ability to conduct safe flight operations through proper preflight planning and risk mitigation analysis;
  7. demonstrate an understanding of Federal Aviation Regulations (AR) and proficiency in cross-county flight planning;
  8. explain pilot psychology, physiology, human factors, aircraft technology, navigation systems and cockpit resource management (CRM) in relation to aviation safety;
  9. demonstrate the ability to instruct aviation subjects; and
  10. display conduct and communicate in the professional manner necessary in the aviation industry.

Semester 1

  AVN 101S Private Pilot Ground     3     ►Advisor and student agree on schedule for Semester 2.
  AVN 102S Private Pilot Flight Lab     2    
  ENG 121S Composition I     3    
  MTH 120S Quantitative Reasoning     3    
  SOC 224S Race & Ethnicity   3    
  Credit Hours 14    

Semester 2

  AVN 111S Instrument Ground     3      
  AVN 112S Instrument Flight Lab     2    
  CIS 110S Computer Concepts and Applications     3    
  COM 121S Introduction to Communication     3    
  HUM 121S Introduction to Humanities   3    
  Credit Hours 14    

Semester 3 [Summer]

  AVN 201S Commercial Ground     3      
  AVN 202S Commercial Flight Lab I   2    
  AVN 203S Commercial Flight Lab II   2    
  Credit Hours 7    

Semester 4

  AVN 204S Multi-Engine Commercial Ground     2     ►Advisor and student agree on schedule for Semester 5.
  AVN 205S Multi-Engine Commercial Flight Lab     1    
  AVN 213S Certified Flight Instructor Ground   3    
  AVN 214S Certified Flight Instructor Flight Lab   1    
  BUS 131S Records Management     3    
  PSY 121S Introduction to Psychology   3    
  Credit Hours 13    

Semester 5

  AVN 215S Certified Flight Instructor Instrument Ground     3     ►Submit graduation application.
►Meet with transfer institution advisor, if applicable.
  AVN 216S Certified Instrument Instructor Flight Lab   1    
  AVN 217S Multi-Engine Instructor Flight Lab     1    
  ENG 125S Technical Writing   3    
  GEO 121S Physical Geography   3    
  PHI 123S Introduction to Ethics   3    
  Credit Hours 14    

Total Credit Hours | 62